The following information and pictures pertain to the DeFeo grave located at St. Charles Cemetery only minutes away from Amityville. The first document is the record of ownership (courtesy of St. Charles Cemetery and Geraldine DeFeo) to show that Rocco DeFeo purchased the plot, which has now passed onto his immediate family. This dispels the myth that Ronald Butch DeFeo Jr. has any ownership in the grave. It remains to be seen whether or not he will be buried along with his family, the ones he was convicted of murdering, after he dies.

The second image is of the St. Charles sign that visitors will pass entering the front gates of the cemetery. The third image is of a derelict grave forgotten and dirty until Geraldine DeFeo and Ric Osuna took it upon themselves to restore it beginning in August 2000.

Author Ric Osuna, with the assistance of a couple of donors, had the DeFeo grave professional cleaned to remove the mold and mildew, as indicated by the receipt below. Although wild and crazy rumors circulate the Net, as often is the case, Ric Osuna has NEVER been banned from the grave or St. Charles Cemetery, which, according to the owners of St. Charles, is a public place.

The final images taken by Ric Osuna are of a grave cleaned for the holidays and a semi-recent shot of it during late summer.